Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tongue Splitting

One of the newest body modifications to hit the scene is tongue splitting, also called “tongue forking” or more officially “tongue bifurcation”. The process involves literally cutting the tongue in half directly down the center. Once the tongue is split it is possible to move both sections independently of one another as seen in the video above.

How Are Tongues Split?

Split Tongue

Surgical Splitting - The tongue is split using a scalpel or surgical laser by a certified medical doctor. The benefit of having a doctor split your tongue is the careful attention paid to sterilization and having all the proper tools to take care of any complications.

Fishing Line Method - Yes, you can split your own tongue with just fishing line. I would imagine this is the most common way tongues are split as no doctor is required. The only requirement is a healed tongue piercing and some thin monofilament fishing line.

Thread the line through the hole where the piercing barbel usually goes. Feed the line through and line it up with the center of the tip of your tongue. Tie the fishing line as tight as you can bear, and be sure to knot the line several times to avoid slippage. Remove the excess fishing line and leave it alone for three to four days. At that time, remove the existing fishing line and retie the tongue as tight as you can bear. Continue this process for several weeks and you will slowly split your tongue.

Forked Tongue

The tongue may not split completely using the fishing line method but the process can easily be completed with a quick swipe of a razor.

Thoughts On Tongue Splitting

Everyone I have ever talked to with a split tongue absolutely loves it. They all tell me they don’t know what they would do without two tongues. If you do decide to split your tongue, as with any body modification, be sure to take care of it during the entire healing process and keep a watchful eye for any complications.

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