Sunday, June 13, 2010

Body Piercing

Tattoo and Body Piercing in almost all American states have not deregulated and some even consider these activities illegal. Since this activity has become popular lately a lot of stores that provide services without regard to the pierced and tattooed the health of consumers. Dentists Association of the U.S. itself refused a body piercing in the tongue, lips, cheeks and call it a violation of health. American Academy of Dermatology himself has rejected all forms of body piercing except ear lobe. Even the U.S. and Canadian Red Cross blood donors rejected from their bodies pierced or a tattoo within a year because it was feared they may transmit dangerous diseases through blood.

If you really want pierced or ditatoo you actually are at risk:

* Chronic infection
* Bleeding that long
* Grate the wound (scar)
* Hepatitis B & C
* Tetanus
* Allergies to jewelry worn
* Abscess or abscess
* The hole that made an impression on the nostrils or eyebrows
* Cleft lip or broken teeth
* Choking jewelry that is placed on the tongue
* It is difficult to talk

Then why the ear lobe safe pierced? Because these areas are made of fatty tissue (and have a healthy supply of blood in case of infection). Because it was long thought before members of the body piercing other than ear lobes. Moreover, when it's not another fashion would leave many holes in your body parts seen by the public?